How To Work With US - AND - One Very Very Very Cool Story!
NEW EPISODE -- You've made the decision to move. Now what?
Did you know that we're not just an amazing podcast and a couple of pretty faces? We're a real estate company that specializes in helping out of state families make their way to Tennessee! If you've finally decided to pull the trigger and move your family to Tennessee, this episode is for you!
Make sure to listen to the very end. We've included one of the coolest stories about our family - ever.
Paul & Joanne understand how hard it is to take your family and leave a state you once loved. They know what it's like to make the move to Tennessee with no family waiting, no friends here and maybe even no job on the horizon. They did it in 2012, long before there were podcasts to encourage your decision. If you've decided to begin looking for your Tennessee home, then you're going to want to work with Maplewood Realty.
Are you hoping to get your family into a Tennessee home or find land in Tennessee, this episode will help you discover Maplewood Realty and how they also work with agents who can point you to resources you can trust and understand every step of your journey.