Meet Our Agent - Robert O'Brien!
NEW EPISODE --Did you know we have agents who are real estate investors, too? Today we're talking with Robert O'Brien from Maplewood Realty and hearing just what he has to say about some of his favorite ways to invest in the real estate market.
Robert is a favorite among our clients and has a gift for analytics that calm even the most anxious Californian making their way to Tennessee. He's an out of state transplant himself, but we'll let you guess where he's from.
We'll give you one hint: He's not from the Golden State.
Paul & Joanne understand how hard it is to take your family and leave a state you once loved. They know what it's like to make the move to Tennessee with no family waiting, no friends to help unpack your Uhaul, and maybe no job on the horizon. They did it in 2012, long before there were podcasts to encourage your decision.
If you've decided to begin looking for your Tennessee home, then you're going to want to work with Paul & Joanne's real estate company, Maplewood Realty.
Did you know ALL of their agents have made the move out of state and into Tennessee? Who better to understand exactly what you're going through!
Maplewood Realty doesn't only find you a home, they give you resources connect you with people already here to assist you on your journey.